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Shonen Jump (1/10/21-1/17/21)

Writer's picture: SkipFromBkSkipFromBk

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Welcome back to our second recap. A little later than our usual timing but we had to make sure we covered everything before the next drop tomorrow. This is a great prep before the Sunday drop. Enjoy and share your favorite series in the comments section.


Spy X Family

Image from Shonen Jump

Spy x Family is a manga based around a spy named Twilight (Loid Forger) who is on a top secret mission to save the world. To do that, he has to go undercover as a father and family man to get access to a high level government official. The thing to love about this manga is action mixed with comedy. It has some serious moments but a lot of comedic aspects due to Yor Forger and Anya Forger. Yor is an assassin and Anya is a mind reader with personality quirks to say the least. Yor is clumsy and airhead at times while Anya is a science experiment with limited life skills. Truly a heartwarming series at times and something to give you some peace while you read it amongst the other series.

This chapter doesn't have any of our main characters. We instead focused on the side characters to develop them more. That is something the new series do a good job of doing. You create a deeper fanbase when you do proper world building and this series is on point. A nice filler chapter but makes you look forward to the next time we see our star trio. Some kids from Anya's school go on a field trip with a teacher at the school. One of these kids is important because they are the child of the government official Twilight needs to connect with. It was good to see how he was amongst his friends and see his growth in this series.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


One Punch Man

Image from Shonen Jump

One Punch Man is a shonen manga where our protagonist is the so over powered that he beats all of his opponents with one punch. It is a play on how most battle mangas get where the main character comes to save the day. He grows bored because no one can last long enough in a fight for him to truly enjoy it. What I love about this one is how funny it is due to the main character being both oblivious to his situation and a scaredy cat at the weirdest moments. The ensemble next to this man to me showcases another side of him that makes him likable.

This current chapter has the heroes going against the final boss of the demons. The biggest bad of all bads (Orochi and Psykos fused). We have our heroes reconnecting for one final push to make their way to assist Drive Knight and Tatsumaki to take them out. We are ways from seeing OPM get on the final stage to take out this boss. I love to see how the side characters face off with the OrochiPsykos with everything they got. We know how this story will end but how is why committed readers stick with this series. The only issue with OPM is how erratic it comes with posting. Great 5 star chapter with action, suspense, and a side of surprise appearance.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


Black Clover

Image from Shonen Jump

In this chapter, we have Nacht and Jack facing off with Dante to rescue Yami and William from the Dark Triad. Right now, you can feel the grave nature of this fight due to none of the attacks working. In Black Clover fashion, Jack evolves in a way to help tip the scale of the fight in their favor. Nacht uses his demon power to create a shield while Jack is becoming the "ultimate sword" to take Dante down. A flashback montage allowed Jack to go deep inside himself to bring out a new weapon. I think the cliffhanger at the end will pave way for a major showdown in the next chapter. This being a setup chapter leaves me with it at 4 stars. I enjoyed the pace but my expectations are going to be high for the next one.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


Sakamoto Days

Image from Shonen Jump

Sakamoto, Shin, and Lu are in the amusement park with Sakamoto's family as a family outing of sorts. The trio know of the enormous price tag on his head. It has them on edge because assassins could come from anywhere in what should be a day of peace. Sakamoto took out one low level assassin with ease. However, a high level one seemed to get past Shin's mind reading abilities to get on a roller coaster with the family. Shin realizes he can't read someone's thoughts and leaps into action to protect his master. He jumps out of his seat from the ride and takes the assassin off the ride. Something you can only see in a manga page. Next chapter, we have this showdown that will unfold. I truly love this series and look forward to how it grows moving forward.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


Dr. Stone

Image from Shonen Jump

The team is still on the run and see a mountain of the petrifying objects in America. They are all out of juice. Our team pivots back to the ship and focuses on how to make it untraceable. They made the shape of the ship in such a way it wouldn't appear as a normal blip. Good progress but not the best option. After brainstorming, they realized the petrifying objects could be used as a coating to escape the radar. The science of this series is fascinating. I feel I have learned so much keeping up with it. This chapter did get 4 stars due to lack of action but it was a great developmental chapter for what will happen in the future.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


Jujutsu Kaisen

Image from Shonen Jump

We have Geto and his second in command going against a makeshift band of scorers in what is a wild back and forth. Yuji is without his team with everyone down but has to beat Geto to save his mentor. This is do or die and this series has done so much in a short amount of time. Under 3 years, they have a new anime out and they are climbing the food chain in Shonen Jump to consistently. I cannot predict what will happen next in this story and it displays a level of writing which is distinct in its own way. No clue what is going to happen tomorrow but I am locked in to what is on the way.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


My Hero Academia

Image from Shonen Jump

The prison escape arc has arrived and is here with a bang 💥. All For One executes his plan to break out of Tartarus by making it a two pronged attack. Using Shigariki's body as a vessel, he leads a group of high level nomus to create a distraction from the outside. Amidst the chaos, AFO frees some villains from Deku's past which presents an enormous challenge for our young heroes. Tomorrow, we have the follow up to AFO and Shigarki meeting for the first time in a while. It feels Star Wars like with the master and student along the lines of the "rule of two". Will Shigarki kill his master or will AFO take full control of Shigarki's body? Find out tomorrow during the releases! This is a rare 6 star classic due to how the events of this chapter come about and what it means for the series.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(🌟)/5


One Piece

Image from Shonen Jump

Our heroes are going all out against Big Mom and Kaido with big special attacks. We do have our comedy with Luffy/Law/Kid with their macho moments of who is the best leader. This arc is coming to a close but I can tell this fight will take a month or two to complete. We are past the 1000th chapter which hopefully means we will get to more meat of the story to the later portion of this journey. Looking forward to how this fight plays out tomorrow.

Rating for the week: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️(🌟)/5


We are done! I will cover some other mangas that came after the 17th to join with the releases of the 23rd. Until then, get to reading and tell me your favorites on Twitter via @SkipFromBk.

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